In April of 1999, Kahiwa Kahakui paddled solo from the Big Island of Hawaii to Oahu.

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Nainoa Thompson telling
Kahiwa the course from the
paddle from Big Island to Oahu

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Kahiwa paddling across
Alenuihaha Channel

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Nainoa and Kahiwa paddling
from Big Island towards the
island of Kaho`olawe

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Archie Kalepa and Sam
plotting the course

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Nainoa and Kahiwa paddling
at midnight from the island
of Kaho`olawe to the island
of Lana`i

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Kahiwa and "snake" paddling
along side of the cliffs of Lana`i

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Kahiwa paddling from
island  of Lana`i to 
island of Moloka`i at sunset

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Kahiwa resting in
Kaiwi Channel

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Finishing in Wakiki
59 hours

Photos by Monte Costa

Interested?? - contact us:

For inquiries or to make a contribution, please contact us at:
Kai Makana

P.O. Box 22719
Honolulu HI  96823

Kai Makana is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, established in 1997, to provide volunteer, in-kind, and financial support for marine wildlife conservation and education.