click on thumbnail to enlarge

Tahitian and Hawaiian
 students clean-up Papeete

Hannah Bernard, teaching Tahitian
and Hawaiian students the importance
of water-quality testing in Tahiti.

Surprise kanekapila with
Elijah & Willie K. at
the Papeete airport

Students playing
`ukulele in Tahiti

A beautiful Tahitian sunset
All photos by
Kalani Ladd/Nalu Productions©2001

Kai Makana gratefully acknowledges the support of these sponsors:

‘Aha Punana Leo Hui Malama O Lana‘i Island Paddler Maui Jim
Patagonia Queen Lili‘uokalani Children's Center Xcel
Partners for the project include: Roxy Quiksilver, Town & Country, Wai‘anae High School Hawaiian Studies Program, University of Hawai‘i Center for Hawaiian Studies, Polynesian Voyaging Society, Na Pua No‘eau, & ‘Olelo, Ka‘ala Farm.


Interested?? - contact us:

For inquiries or to make a contribution, please contact us at:
Kai Makana

P.O. Box 22719
Honolulu HI  96823

Kai Makana is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, established in 1997, to provide volunteer, in-kind, and financial support for marine wildlife conservation and education.