[More Tahiti Pictures]

Students from Hawai`i and Tahiti accompany
Donna on her environmental paddle
Mayor, Kupuna and people from the island of Moorea,
as well as the Hawai`i students greet Donna
as she arrives to the island of Moorea.

Kalani, Donna's dad, greets her on the island of
Moorea after paddling 2-1/2 hours from Papeete

Donna beginning her trek to
 the island of Bora Bora

Beginning the morning paddle
from the island of Taha`a

International Canoe Builder, Noe
 supporting Donna as she approaches
the island of Bora Bora

Maui student, JoAnna Tsuha, paddling
 with Donna Kahakui inside the channel
of the island of Bora Bora
All photos by Kalani Ladd/Nalu Productions©2001

[More Tahiti Pictures]

Kai Makana gratefully acknowledges the support of these sponsors:

`Aha Punana Leo Hui Malama O Lana`i Island Paddler Maui Jim
Patagonia Queen Lili`uokalani Children's Center Xcel
Partners for the project include: Roxy Quiksilver, Town & Country, Wai‘anae High School Hawaiian Studies Program, University of Hawai‘i Center for Hawaiian Studies, Polynesian Voyaging Society, Na Pua No‘eau, & ‘Olelo, Ka‘ala Farm.


Interested?? - contact us:

For inquiries or to make a contribution, please contact us at:
Kai Makana

P.O. Box 22719
Honolulu HI  96823

Kai Makana is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, established in 1997, to provide volunteer, in-kind, and financial support for marine wildlife conservation and education.